How to Hunt and Attract Feral Pigeons - Video

They say "you are what you eat". Well, the same applies to these birds. A lot of my city friends would wrinkle their noses when I mentioned that I sometimes eat feral pigeons. But, that is because they only have the image of their city pigeons, rooting around at the base of dumpsters and garbage cans. These country pigeons grew up eating corn and grain. So, they actually taste pretty good. And if you are lucky enough to get your hands on few young ones, they are downright delicious.

I shoot these birds regularly. In part to keep their numbers from swelling out of control, and also to feed my pets and (on occasion) myself. If you bag 10-12 of them, they make for a nice pie.

One last point of interest: The feral pigeons from the "old world" (that is you Europe and Asia) are genetically different from the feral pigeons in the "new world" (N and S America). This is because the old-world ferals got loose from their captors 1000's of years ago. The feral in the Americas are recent escapees. Their lineage is less than a couple hundred years old because the ferals here (in the U.S.) are not descendants of old world ferals. They are descendants of old world domestic pigeons brought over here on ships.

Hence, "our" feral pigeons are more genetically similar to "your" domestic pigeons than your ferals. Kind of cool, eh? That also might play a part in their flavor - just a thought...

The corn is MUCH taller!!! The footage from atop the grainbin was filmed 3 months after the rest of the footage. On my original trip, I had forgotten to record the scene. So, I returned later, but by then....much had changed with the corn. :)

Equipment list:
Edgun Matador PCP Air Rifle

Equipment Details:

The Camera Mount I used to record through the scope can be found here:

The slow-motion camera I use to film the shots through the scope is the Casio EX-FC150. That camera is no longer made, but you can buy its successor (which is actually a better camera than the one I use) here:

The Exact same Hawke Scope that I use in this video (Sidewinder TAC 30 6.5-20x) can be found here:

Midwest Addiction Goose Hunting 2011-2012 - Video

We are from central Iowa. This is our highlight video from the 2011-2012 waterfowl season. This is our first time filming waterfowl. We have learned a lot and still have a lot to learn. And let me tell you its a lot harder than it looks. As the video goes on you can tell that we got better. To the very last snow goose hunt which is obviously our best footage.

Johnny Houses for Quail - Video

Johnny Houses for Quail is a great resource for those wanting to learn more about the use of Johnny Houses on their property. This DVD produced by Daybreak Productions for Quality Wildlife covers the basics from field placement and maintenance to end of the season cleanup. Not only is this video informative; but Wildlife Biologist Jim Evans makes it really fun to watch!

Full Video Running time is 32:16 (including bonus material) Order the full video directly here:

Late Season Mallards - Video - Bradley Duck Hunting Club - Ontario

Join Jane Bradley, Mike Suzor, and the Chasing The Limit TV crew for a late season mallard hunt in Southern Ontario at the Bradley Duck Hunting Club!

Snow Goose wild Rice "Stoup" - Video Recipe

A great snow goose recipe, right between a soup and a stew.

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