Pigeon shooting with Sporting Shooter's Mark Gilchrist - Video

Sporting Shooter chef Mark Gilchrist is behind a straw bale in Kent and the pigeons are out in front. Not only does he enjoy blazing late summer sport but he goes to cook them afterwards at a school restaurant he is running with pupils from Kings School Canterbury. This film first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 2

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Pigeon Hunting: The Pigeon Blast in Bliss - Video

Soar No More Pigeon Hunting series: Captain Mike leads the slaying, and a four-man crew rocks 104 birds in a beautiful April morning hunt. WWW.SOARNOMORE.COM.

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Pigeon Hunting: The Rock Pigeon Rumble - Video

Mike Plein shows the Soar No More crew how it's done in this action packed, non-stop pigeon hunting adventure. Special Bonus: 10 second crow hunt! WWW.SOARNOMORE.COM

For More Pigeon Hunting Please Visit PigeonHunterTV.com

Terminator Pigeon Decoys in Action! - Video

The Ultimate Pigeon Decoy...only 2 Terminators on the field...www.huntingsolutions.co.uk

For More Pigeon Hunting Please Visit PigeonHunterTV.com

Shooting Pigeons over Decoys - Staffordshire - Video

In this episode of Team Wild's Varminators, Keith & Steve brave the snow and ice as they seek to knock a dent in the wood pigeon population before the spring planting season begins. Will their tactics pay off? Who will end up buying breakfast?

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Man Catches Flying Quail With Bare Hand While Hunting - Video

Two words you don't not expect to hear from your partner during a quail-hunting trip: "Sweet catch!" But then it's not often--and it might be unprecedented--that a hunter reaches into midair and clutches a fast-flying quail with his bare hand. And if you're wondering whether the accompanying footage is real, consider that it was uploaded by the Austin Stone Community Church in Texas.

Also, the hunting partner making the "Sweet catch!" remark is San Francisco 49er quarterback Colt McCoy.

The man fielding the incoming quail, casually, with his shotgun in his other hand, is Senior Pastor Matt Carter.

"It is totally real," Travis Wussow, executive director of teaching ministries at the church,  told GrindTv Outdoor. "While filming [the church uses creative storytelling, including films, to spread the gospel], inexplicably this bird takes off and stupidly flies right at Matt, and he grabbed it. It’s unbelievable…
"I was there and watched it happen. It’s totally unbelievable."
There was a film crew on site and it captured hunting's version of the "Immaculate Reception" from three angles.

What's not clear is what Carter did with the quail or, if he kept it, whether barehanded capture is a legal method of take.

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