Fieldsports Britain - Cricketer Rob Key and George Digweed on the pigeons - Video

Kent county cricket captain Rob Key goes pigeon shooting with world champion shooter George Digweed. Game chef Mark Gilchrist is riding shotgun (literally) with Andy 'Crow Man' Crow on a combine harvester looking out for rabbits. And Sporting Shooter editor Dom Holtam is having a hard time finding a fallow buck amid a sea of fallow does. With a week to go until the grouse shooting season starts, this is the cream of British shooting sports for you: pigeons in the wheat cut, fallow bucks and pigeon glut.

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Chef Ramsay goes Pigeon shooting - Gordon Ramsay - Video

Season 4 of 6 of The F Word with Gordon Ramsay and celebrity cooking brigades.

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Pigeon shooting with Sporting Shooter's Mark Gilchrist - Video

Sporting Shooter chef Mark Gilchrist is behind a straw bale in Kent and the pigeons are out in front. Not only does he enjoy blazing late summer sport but he goes to cook them afterwards at a school restaurant he is running with pupils from Kings School Canterbury. This film first appeared in Fieldsports Britain, episode 2

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Pigeon Hunting: The Pigeon Blast in Bliss - Video

Soar No More Pigeon Hunting series: Captain Mike leads the slaying, and a four-man crew rocks 104 birds in a beautiful April morning hunt. WWW.SOARNOMORE.COM.

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Pigeon Hunting: The Rock Pigeon Rumble - Video

Mike Plein shows the Soar No More crew how it's done in this action packed, non-stop pigeon hunting adventure. Special Bonus: 10 second crow hunt! WWW.SOARNOMORE.COM

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Terminator Pigeon Decoys in Action! - Video

The Ultimate Pigeon Decoy...only 2 Terminators on the

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