Slo mo shotgun impact - Pigeons - Video

Understanding the concept of "lead" when shooting a shotgun can be difficult to grasp. In this film we slow the action down. It allows the viewer to see the shot being thrown out infront of a fast moving wood pigeon...the bird then flies through the cloud of pellets. Often the shot can fall behind the quarry because the shooter doesn't allow for the speed of the bird . Andy Crow is our man behind the gun in this film which appeared in Fieldsports Britain at the begining of August 2012

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The famous Crowman shoots pigeons - Video

Sporting Shooter pigeon expert Andy 'The Crowman' Crow is out protecting the Kent farm he manages from pigeons. We join him in the pigeon hide.

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The Dovenator V.S. Pigeons - Video

The Dovenator takes on a winged plague of pigeons to protect an Argentinian cattle ranch and feed lot.

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Pigeon Shooting in Argentina - Video

2007 Argentina Pigeon Hunt. My Pops and I enjoying a nice cattle food plot to do some damage!!

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LBTV Luke Bryan 2010! Pigeon Huntin' - Video

Go hunting with Luke on his birthday in Sauk Center, MN. Some friends take Luke and his band & crew out to a farm to hunt pigeons and quail.

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Pigeon Hunting: New DVD B-Side 1 - Video

This is a B-Side hunt left off of the final product for the new Soar No More DVD on sale now. The Soar No More crew forgoes hunting ducks on the last day of waterfowl season in favor of killing 50 birds on a dairy pigeon hunt.

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