Arnold Compton, Rick Kaiser, Steve Iwanawicz, and Tom Morrow with guide Travis Pineur with In Tight Outfitters. Snow Goose hunt in the Missouri River Bottoms.
Mid Season goose hunt in Minn with NFL football player Audie Cole. Audie is a rookie for the Minn Vikings and he loves to kill stuff! On the hunt we are running traffic, trying to pull birds from one end of a long field to the end we are set up on. Lots of calling, flagging, and a big number of decoys to attract the birds. We couldnt hunt the "X" end of the field because of houses and building too close to shoot by. So we went to the other end and pulled them to us. A hunter has to do whatever he can to put the birds in the decoys the correct and safe way. To see the full hunt and tips, check out the School of Waterfowl III DVD coming this summer at
I went 0 for 8 on quality shot opportunities this day. I was able to recover over the next two days but am still missing some easy ones. The previous couple of weekends I was hitting some of the tougher shots. Grand Rapids / Deer River MN area.
Denne filmen viser Rypejakt igjennom flere år med stående fuglehund I År 2012 filma vi for det meste rypene, felte bare noen få utvalgte grunnet ett dårlig år. Scener fra rypejakt, fjellrype, lirype, orrfugel og litt storfugl og harejakt. Irsksetter Engelsksetter Pointingdog Whitetailed Ptarmigan Willow ptarmigan Grouse Blackgrouse
If you want to Hunt Geese in one of the most amazing places, it's Torrington Wyoming, and it's with High Plains Wingshooters. Join us this week for an amazing adventure.